
🍎 Kuba Suder's blog on Mac & iOS development

The longest names in Cocoa

Categories: Cocoa, iPhone Comments: 7 comments

Ever since I started coding in Cocoa, I’ve been wondering what might be the longest name used for any function or constant in the entire API. Cocoa names can get quite long in general, so the longest one should be really ridiculously long… Of course I couldn’t leave it like this and I had to find out what it was :)

I ran a search for *.h files on the whole disk, and I determined that the interesting stuff was either in /Developer or in /System/Library/Frameworks, so I limited the search to these directories only. I passed the list of all header files through a Ruby script that looked for the really long ones and sorted them by length, and then I analyzed the results to find the winners (I decided to divide them into a few categories).

So here’s what I’ve found:

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Cocoa JSON parsing libraries

Categories: Cocoa, iPhone Comments: 4 comments

Update: A new post from December 2010 with updated stats is available here.

For a few weeks I’ve been working on a new iPhone application.

Like most of other Cocoa apps I’ve written so far, this app also includes a JSON parser to load some kind of data from a server. The first thing the application does when it starts is connect to the JSON API, download a data file (about 100 KB) and parse it. This used to take about 10-15 seconds on the device, and I thought it was reasonable until I noticed that the HTTP response actually arrives after a second or so. So what was it doing for the rest of the time? I had to find out.

So I did some debugging, and it turned out that the 10 seconds are spent just on parsing the downloaded JSON file. That’s pretty bad… Like in all previous apps, I used an open source library BSJSONAdditions, which I knew wasn’t the fastest one available, but I never had any major problems with it before. On the other hand, I never tested it on a 100 KB file…

I knew there were a few other JSON parser libraries in ObjC, so I decided to make a small benchmark and see how well they all compared to the one I used. The other libraries I tried were: JSON Framework, TouchJSON and YAJL.

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RipTip - pretty tooltips for RightJS

Categories: Frontend, JavaScript Comments: 11 comments

I’m working on a new version of this blog, in which I want to use RightJS. This week I wanted to add some kind of pretty JavaScript tooltips there; there is a Tooltip class in RightJS, but I don’t like the way these tooltips look. However, I know a jQuery library called “TipTip” which adds very attractive black tooltips. So I took the TipTip code and rewrote it using RightJS (and renamed to RipTip, for obvious reasons) – code is available on GitHub, as usual.

This is how the tooltips look:

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Sharing code between projects with git subtree

Categories: Programming Comments: 20 comments

I came across a problem recently. I have a project called xBlip which I’ve described before – it’s an iPhone client for a Polish Twitter-like service Blip. This project has a backend part which I keep in a subdirectory “ObjectiveBlip” and which I’ve tried to keep as separate from the rest as possible, with the intention that it might be one day extracted as a separate project.

Now I got the idea that I could write a desktop application for Mac that does the same – and of course I could reuse that backend part for that. I would also like to create a separate project on Github with just the backend, so that theoretically someone might use it in future for some purpose.

But this means that I would be maintaining three separate copies of the same code, which I’d have to keep in sync somehow. So the question is, how to do this best?

There are a few ways in Git to share code between projects (for example, git submodules) – but most of them are intended only for one-way communication, i.e. downloading updates to a library maintained by someone else into your project. Here, I want to have a two-way communication: I could extend the backend code while working either on the iPhone or the Mac application (working directly on the backend-only project wouldn’t usually make sense), and then broadcast the changes into the other two projects. I also don’t want the solution to be inconvenient to people who download the project, as is the case with git submodules – you have to manually update them once you download the main code, initially their directories are empty.

So I started looking for a way to pull this off – and I found a script called “git subtree” which seems to do exactly what I need (confusingly, there’s another plugin also called git subtree which is completely unrelated to the first one…). It took me some time (and a few emails to the author, Avery Pennarun) to figure out how to use it, so I thought I’d post a tutorial here in case anyone has a similar situation.

So, here’s what we need to do… (grab a coffee, it’s going to be long):

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JSLint on Rails available as gem

Categories: JavaScript, Ruby/Rails Comments: 0 comments

I released version 1.0 of JSLint on Rails yesterday. It has a few new options (see Github project page for more info), but the biggest change is that it’s now available both as a plugin and as a gem, so it can be used also with Merb and other frameworks which don’t support Rails plugins.

To use JSLint as a gem:

  • install the gem (gem install jslint_on_rails, or via bundler)
  • include JSLint’s tasks in your Rakefile: require 'jslint/tasks'
  • also in the Rakefile, set path to your config file: JSLint.config_path = "config/jslint.yml" (put it anywhere you want)
  • create a sample config: rake jslint:copy_config

After that, you can update your config and run the test as described in the previous post (rake jslint).

Check your scripts with JSLint on Rails

Categories: JavaScript, Ruby/Rails Comments: 1 comment

This year, for several months I’ve been working on a project which involved quite a lot of JavaScript. I’ve already written about how this prompted me to start writing JavaScript unit tests. But as I found out later, there were some kinds of JavaScript errors which the unit tests didn’t help me find. Let me give you an example…

(TLDR: link to the Github project page)

When I work on a Rails web app, I don’t usually test the project in Internet Explorer all the time – if I did that, I’d have gone mad long time ago. Instead, I do everything in Firefox, and leave IE testing for more patient people – either our tester, or even the client in smaller projects. This seems to work well most of the time; however, in this project every 2 weeks or so I used to get such bug report: “The site crashes in IE”. Crashes here means that it doesn’t load at all. You see, if JavaScript is just a nice optional add-on to your project, it’s not a big thing if something doesn’t work; but if your entire application depends on JavaScript for everything it does, then one tiny mistake and you’re screwed.

The problem is that IE has this nasty habit of breaking on code that has a comma at the end of a hash – you know, something like this: { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, }. And I do this mistake surprisingly often, because that tiny little comma is so easy to miss, and no one ever complains about it except IE – Firefox works fine, unit tests work fine, but next morning I get that dreadful bug report that IE just explodes. Then I wait for VirtualBox to boot Windows and eat all remaining memory, and spend half an hour debugging, only to find that this was all because of one comma…

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My top 20 iPhone apps

Categories: iPhone Comments: 0 comments

Yeah, I know that there’s already about 5.4 gazillions of such posts on the web. So what :) I believe that cool apps – especially cool free apps – deserve promotion like this; and although some of the apps listed here are rather well known and popular, some are not.

Most of these apps are free; it’s not like I can’t afford 0.79 €, but I’ve been a Linux user for a few years and I got used to the “free / open source = good, paid = evil” way of thinking. It’s slowly changing, but I still prefer a good free app to a great paid app – unless there aren’t any good free apps available.

I haven’t included any games here – the reason is that I don’t play them a lot on my iPhone; I just don’t have time for that. The only times when I want to play games on it are when I have a bit of time and completely nothing else to do – but in such cases simple logic or board games are enough for me.

So here’s the list (in a rather random order):

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