Uwaga: ponieważ polskie władze od początku kwietnia drastyczne ograniczyły ilość wykonywanych testów, aktualne dane o zakażeniach mają prawdopodobnie niewiele wspólnego z rzeczywistością. Zostawiam włączony import, ale do wszelkich danych udostępnionych po wprowadzeniu zmian należy podchodzić z dużą rezerwą.



20 Apr:

The Johns Hopkins COVID data repository, the main source of data for this site, has been archived in March 2023 and is no longer being updated. I could try switching to another source, but it could be a lot of work and I haven't really been checking this site often myself recently, so it doesn't really make sense to spend time on it; and to be honest, a lot of this data hasn't been very accurate anymore in the last year or so, since a lot of countries do very limited testing these days.

I will leave this site up with historical data, but it won't be updated with new numbers beyond 10th March 2023. If you're looking for another site with COVID charts, Our World in Data has very good charts that are still being updated.

Thank you for visiting this site over the last 3 years, I'm happy that I could help so many people with these charts and I'm grateful for all the messages I got from you. Please keep being careful & responsible and wear a mask when it makes sense 😷 And have a good spring and summer (if you're on the Northern Hemisphere)! ☀️


17 Mar: Added a message about the Russian invasion in Ukraine in the map view, on the Ukraine chart page, and accessible globally from the header through the Ukraine flag icon in the corner.

22 Feb:

7 Feb:

4 Feb: Added new map layers data (GeoJSON) to the map view, which now includes US states, Canadian and Australian provinces and most tiny countries.

2 Feb: I've done a massive refactoring of the JavaScript code, splitting the 3k-line single file into several components/classes. I might have broken something on the way, despite TypeScript watching over me, so if you notice something that used to work and now doesn't, please let me know (e.g. on Twitter).

10 Jan: Welcome to the third year of what was supposed to take a few months at most… let's hope it will finally be the last. Sending good thoughts to the people of Western Europe, US and Australia, currently hit by record new waves of Omicron.


1 Dec: Added vaccination numbers to the table view.

30 Nov: improved the way vaccination numbers are displayed, now that boosters are being distributed:

14 Oct:

19 Aug:

29 May: Vaccines! 💉💉💉

28 Mar: I managed to make the time slider sort of work on touch devices, although some patience might be required.

26 Mar: Added a time slider above the chart that lets you zoom in to a specific time period. The default range is now the last 9 months.

11 Mar:

5 Feb: Fixed the Polish version, since the government site was redesigned again. Also enabled the table view on the Polish site.

27 Jan: Added support for the trend option (7-day average) to the Table view, so you can now see more accurately which countries or states are in a better or worse situation at the moment.


30 Dec: I went through the code and fixed all places where I had hardcoded the year value 2020 – because surely this will all be over by summer, right?… :\

12 Dec: I've removed all the manual data fixes I made in the spring months (the "overrides.json" file) – I stopped updating those back in April, and at this point those changes are too small to be visible on the charts. I've only kept the French data which is taken from the opencovid19-fr repo, recording data from the French government site, because the dataset for France still differs significantly between the French data source and Johns Hopkins (at least in the past months, they seem to have somewhat converged in recent weeks); see changelog entry for 6 Apr below for explanation.

I've also removed all places like ships, "repatriated travellers" etc. from the list, since these are all relatively tiny numbers and they were only complicating things.

10 Dec: Added new "Sorted Table" view which lets you see which countries or states have the highest total or daily counts.

28 Nov: In the Polish version I'm now merging the old data from Google Docs with the latest data from the government's site, let me know if anything doesn't seem right.

31 Oct: Added experimental support for limiting the time range on the chart, for now only through the URL: add a ts= (time start) and/or te= (time end) parameters using YYMMDD format in the hash part of the URL, e.g.: https://mackuba.eu/corona/#compare.daily?c=fr,it,es,de&trend=7&ts=200701 (preview version, might be changed later).

27 Oct: I've built a separate version of this page that shows data for Poland only, using a different Polish data set listing all cities and regions separately: https://mackuba.eu/corona/poland/. If you'd like to have such version for your country and you know about a good data source I could use, please let me know.

12 Oct: A somewhat hidden feature of the chart is that you can temporarily show and hide the lines of specific countries on the chart by clicking the labels in the legend at the bottom. Now, when you hide some countries and you switch to a different mode using the controls in the top toolbar, it will remember which countries are hidden (previously, all hidden countries would show up again when you switched the chart mode).

8 Oct: The row of country set buttons like “Top 10 in Europe” has been replaced with a pull-down menu. Using the text field at the bottom of the menu you can add your own collections with any set of countries or provinces you often want to see together, e.g. “Central Europe”, “Scandinavia”, “Midwest”, “US vs. EU” etc.

6 Oct: The data file with all the numbers for the charts got much larger over the last few months and I noticed that the page was taking a long time to load. I managed to optimize the data file size (it's around 60% smaller now) and speed up some processing code, so the page should load much faster now. At least for the next few months :)

22 Sep: Surprise update! 😎

14 Aug: Removed recovered/active counts for a few more countries that have outdated or unreliable recovered data: France, Greece, Ireland, South Sudan and Spain. If you see a country missing on the Compare chart when comparing actives and colored as white in the legend, this is why.

7 May: The active count will not be shown for countries that haven't recently reported the number of recovered, since in that case it's simply misleading (currently UK and Netherlands fall into that group).

25 Apr: The “Top Global” country set in the Compare view now excludes China, removed separate “Top Outside China” button. (You can always add China to any set through the “Add country” field.)

24 Apr: On the “Daily change” and “% change” comparison charts you can now choose to see either raw values from that day or e.g. a 3-day or 5-day trend, and you can choose any trend length you want.

22 Apr: Added some keyboard support – Cmd-F/Ctrl-F should focus the country search field, double ESC exits the field, and you should be able to move through the list of countries using up and down arrows.

22 Apr: The JHU data keeps having issues with some areas, e.g. the increased numbers in France or the recent lack of updates in Australia, not to mention weird things happening regularly in the deaths & recovered numbers. I'm starting to look for other possible sources to at least supplement the JHU data in some problematic regions.

17 Apr: You can now compare active cases in the Compare view. Active cases are not available for the places where I don't have the recovered numbers, which includes all US states and Canadian provinces.

11 Apr: Added a new “Top US States” country set in the Compare view (yes, you can compare all states and provinces together with countries, plus the EU and Europe total).

11 Apr: The URL should now store all current settings, including the set of selected countries, so you can bookmark or share a link and it should get you back to the same view as before, showing the same countries in the same configuration. Regardless of that, the Compare view will now always show the last seen set of countries by default, even after a reload.

8 Apr: Mobile layout improvements: removed touch delay on buttons, sidebar and footer are slightly smaller, and some switches in the “Compare” view have been moved to a new additional panel which you can access through the “settings” (cog wheel) button on the right (the button is only visible on smaller screens).

7 Apr: The “% increase” mode in Compare Countries now shows a 3-day trend instead of 5-day. The “Show last 3 weeks” checkbox automatically sets the max on the Y axis based on the maximum value during these 3 weeks.

7 Apr: “Daily increase” mode is now available in the Compare Countries view.

6 Apr: JHU have done something weird with the data from France since 4/4 (see comment from Le Monde here, in French). The data from WHO, ECDC and the French government all show case numbers around 70K, not 90K. There are a few GitHub issue threads discussing this, but JHU hasn't responded yet (they rarely do). For now I'm overriding the numbers manually with the French government data.

6 Apr: Added “Europe” and “EU 27” entries to the “Add country” search field so they can be compared e.g. with the US as a total. “Europe” total does not include Greenland, Russia, Turkey or the Caucasus countries. (Tip: you can add EU 27 by typing simply “eu”, United Kingdom by typing “uk” and United States by typing “us”, and pressing enter after each.)

2 Apr: Added a fourth line with active cases on single country views (where the number of recovered is available).

31 Mar: Recent US state data is now taken from the new separate US data files that JHU has added last night (they're one day behind the global data).

29 Mar: Added dark mode support (automatically follows the OS's theme).

28 Mar: The URL now includes the linear/logarithmic/daily increase/percent setting, e.g. a link like https://mackuba.eu/corona/#europe.perc will automatically open the % increase view. (Other settings like align by day or the selected set of countries in compare view aren't saved yet.)

28 Mar: JHU has brought back the data file for recovered, so I've added that back to the charts. As for the US states, I'm evaluating another source from NYTimes.

27 Mar: Added “Per 1 mln population” switch in the compare view.

27 Mar: Added “% daily increase” mode in single country charts and the compare view.

26 Mar: Added a search field in the country list sidebar.

23 Mar: You can now add states and provinces to the Compare chart.

23 Mar: Removed the “Top Countries” and “Top in Europe” views – use “Compare Countries” instead.

23 Mar: Added an option to compare the number of deaths in “Compare Countries”.

18 Mar: Added a new section “Compare Countries” that works like the old “Top countries” sections, but lets you pick any country set, choose logarithmic scale, and align the data series horizontally by day since the 100th confirmed case.

16 Mar: Several additional values from previous days for various countries were fixed manually (see below).

16 Mar: The source data is sometimes missing new data for some important countries. In some cases I manually override the data with values found elsewhere – there is now a link in the footer that lists all those data fixes.

12 Mar: Added last data update info in the footer.

12 Mar: Added the “Top in Europe” chart.

11 Mar: You can now link to a specific country chart, e.g. https://mackuba.eu/corona/#italy.

11 Mar: Added this info dialog.

11 Mar: Data from the US now includes per-state entries, which is in some cases significantly higher than the previously published per-county data (e.g. Washington), hence the sudden jump in US numbers on 10 March.

6 Mar: First version.