Explore app clips
App clip is a part of an app – you need to have an app to add an app clip
App Clip Experience – a specific URL configured to display an app clip popup sheet on iOS 14 when opened in some app
App clip itself ⭢ an on-demand binary
App clip experience is a new entry point to your app
Configured in a similar way as Universal Links, + additional setup in App Store Connect
App clip appears whenever a user accesses that URL: through a QR code or NFC tag, links in Safari and Messages, places in Maps
Also through Siri suggestions
Coming later this year: special Apple-designed circular QR codes for app clips
App clip
Created as another target in your app project in Xcode
Uploaded to App Store Connect together with the whole app
Once the app containing an app clip is released, the app clip will be downloaded separately when its URL is opened by the user
→ if the full app is already installed, it will be launched instead, so it must be able to do everything that the clip does
App clips are designed to be downloaded quickly in the background, so they should be as small as possible
App clip bundle must be less than 10 MB after thinning
Include only what is needed immediately, and download other assets and data from the internet when needed
Include only a minimal part of the app UI in the app clip, only what will be required in this specific context where the app clip will be used
App clips should generally not include top level parts of your navigation flow, like tab bars; also things like profile screens
They should deep-link to the specific screen in the app that they are concerned with
Use separate URLs for any distinct experiences, each app clip experience should focus on one thing
E.g. if you have multiple physical stores, have separate URLs for each store so that you can skip a “Choose store” screen
An app clip receives an NSUserActivity
with the given URL when launched
App clips can use any frameworks from the iOS SDK (including Apple Pay and notifications), and use UIKit or SwiftUI app lifecycle
Access to some sensitive user data is limited (e.g. no access to HealthKit)
New location confirmation API – lets you confirm if the user really is where you think they are
You can migrate data from the app clip to the full app using a group container
→ group container is deleted when the data is migrated
Autorizations for camera, microphone and Bluetooth access are automatically migrated to the app when installed
App clip and its storage are deleted from user’s device after a period of inactivity (~ several days)
App clips also aren’t included in backups
Any app clip data should be treated more like a cache
If a specific app clip is used frequently, iOS will keep it on device for a longer period after last use
App clip can’t register as document or URL scheme opener, it can only be opened using the URL configured in the app clip experience
They also can’t include their own extensions, like content blockers
or .appStoreOverlay
in SwiftUI – a standard UI for inviting your users to the full app
Use ASAutthorizationController
if you need a way to log the user in to an account