What’s New in AppKit for macOS
New frameworks
AppKit is no longer the only framework to build Mac apps with – you also have an option now to use UIKit via Catalyst and the new SwiftUI framework
- although you will probably still need to use at least a little bit of AppKit in both cases
New system colors: NSColor.systemTeal
and systemIndigo
(dynamic colors, specific color values depend on light/dark appearance)
uses tagged pointers
→ this means that color data is stored in the pointer itself and allocating NSColor
objects becomes very cheap
– a magnifier tool for picking a color from somewhere on the screen
New NSColor
initializer that lets you return different colors based on appearance:
let color = NSColor(name: "userWidgetColor") { appearance in switch appearance.bestMatch(from: [.aqua, .darkAqua]) { case .darkAqua: return darkUserWidgetColor case .aqua, .default: return lightUserWidgetColor } }
now returns e.g. “Thunderbolt Display”
Extended dynamic range:
Computer screens are very bright these days and most of the time aren't used at full brightness
This means that at lower brightness levels we can use the monitor's capability to show brighter pixels than what 100% white means at that brightness level, and provide an extended dynamic range, i.e. color values of more than 1.0
This feature has been available in macOS since 10.11:
– enables dynamic range in this layerNSScreen.maximumExtendedDynamicRangeColorComponentValue
– tells you the maximum color component value (e.g. 1.3), if some content on the screen is using EDR
New APIs in 10.15:
– tells you the maximum component value even if it’s not rendering in EDR mode at the moment, so that you can make some decisions in advance before you enable itNSScreen.maximumReferenceExtendedDynamicRangeColorComponentValue
– maximum usable value on reference screens like the new Pro Display XDR
Finding the current screen in Metal:
Previously, in order to find the MTLDevice
for the current screen in Metal you had to do something like this:
let preferredDevice = CGDirectDisplayCopyCurrentMetalDevice( self.window?.screen?.deviceDescription["NSScreenNumber"] )
In 10.15, there's a new property CAMetalLayer.preferredDevice
that returns the MTLDevice
for the current screen
Also MTKView.preferredDevice
Text & Fonts
– automatically updates colors for light/dark appearance
Enable this if it's more important for rich text to be readable regardless of appearance than to show the document in an original unchanged form
Almost all of the NSText*
related classes support secure coding now
Spell checking:
– old API for managing spell checking (since OS X 10.0!)
– new API built as a successor of NSSpellChecker
- used in UIKit, WebKit and AppKit
- you can add support for it to any view by implementing the
protocol - also does grammar checks, data detection, autocorrection
Font descriptors:
NSFontDescriptor.withDesign(.monospaced / .rounded / .serif)
Lets you choose a different variant of the same font, if available
Scaling fonts between macOS & iOS:
If your app opens rich text documents created on another platform, you will notice that fonts at the same point size will look different, because Mac and iOS devices use very different screen densities
There are now new NSAttributedString
APIs that let you scale fonts in documents coming from the other platform to a more appropriate size:
Text hyphenation:
Previously, you could configure hyphenation for each paragraph using NSParagraphStyle
Now, this can be enabled for the whole container using NSLayoutManager.usesDefaultHyphenation
Easier way to make standard toolbar buttons: NSToolbarItem.isBordered
Just create an NSToolbarItem
with an image and set isBordered = true
Needs to be done in code though, no setting on the storyboard yet
Previously, you had to manually create an NSButton
, configure it appropriately and add it as a custom view to the toolbar item
Using NSToolbarItem
directly also allows you to make use of its built-in functionality like automatic enabling/disabling
: allows you to make toolbar items that are buttons with a text label instead of an icon (this is different than the item label, which appears below the button)
- new convenience initializers that create a group with given item labels/icons in one line
- can display items as a segmented control which collapses into a popup or pulldown menu when there isn't enough space (use the new initializers for this)
– a button toolbar item that shows a pulldown menu, which can be any NSMenu
(with separators, nested menus etc.)
Touch Bar
– lets you enable/disable the "Customize Touch Bar…" entry in the Edit menu
already has such property, but this is useful if you want to avoid referencing NSApplication
in the Touch Bar related code, or if you don't have access to it (e.g. Catalyst apps don't)
– a new item type for selecing an item from a list, with left/right arrows
: minimumSliderWidth
, maximumSliderWidth
properties for defining min/max width (previously you could achieve this using AutoLayout constraints, but it was less convenient)
Other controls
– a new NSControl
that looks like UISwitch
on iOS
Not a replacement for checkbox
Avoid using it for small things and in large numbers, just one for some general mode switch, a "master toggle", like the Time Machine on/off switch
– added compositional layout, diffable data source (same as on iOS)
Storyboards now let you use custom VC initializers for injecting dependencies:
@IBSegueAction func showFoo(_ coder: NSCoder) -> NSViewController { return MyViewController(params...) }
This lets you use initializers in view controller classes that require passing any data the view controller needs, while still using storyboard segues to connect view controllers on the storyboard
Controls like text labels, buttons with titles etc. calculate their intrinsic content size that lets the AutoLayout system scale the whole window layout depending on the text contents of those controls
However, in some scenarios (e.g. inside an NSGridView
) you want all controls to have their size set externally, and the control's intrinsic size is ignored
The calculations to determine the intrinsic size are still performed though in such case, and now you can manually disable them (as an optimization) by setting these to false if you know the result will not be used in the layout calculations:
There was a possible source of bugs before if you captured an instance of a UI-related class in a block in such a way that it could be later deallocated on a background thread:
let label = NSTextField(labelWithString: "...") dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0)) { // ... dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) { label.value = "done" } }
If the outer block is released after the inner block (which you have no control over), then at that point the label object is deallocated on the background thread, and this could cause various hard to debug issues. This is now solved in 10.15 – the SDK guarantees that UI objects will be deallocated on the main thread in such scenario.
Privacy & security
Recording the screen will now require asking the user for permission
This doesn't apply to the new NSColorSampler
control mentioned earlier, which runs out of process
Open and save panels are also now always out-of-process, even for non-sandboxed apps
You may run into problems if you were somehow subclassing or customizing them in a non-standard way
New asynchronous versions of existing methods for opening one or more URLs or applications
You can configure some aspects of opening using NSWorkspace.OpenConfiguration
, e.g.:
- if the user can control the process of opening a URL/app
- if the opened app or document is added to the "Recents" menu
- if the launched app is hidden on launch
iPad & Sidecar
With the Sidecar feature, an iPad can function as an additional screen for the Mac, and also as a drawing tablet
Tablet drawing events are sent as normal mouse events, with .tabletPoint
Tablet events also provide pressure data (although unlike on iOS, you can't register to get retroactive updates for previous pressure)
Switching mode on the Apple Pencil by double-tapping can be handled by another event with event type .changeMode
Also an NSResponder
in the responder chain can handle that event through a new changeMode(withEvent:)
You can also listen to that event outside of the responder chain by using the "local event monitor" API:
let monitorId = NSEvent.addLocalMonitorForEvents(matching: .changeMode) { (event) -> NSEvent? in switchTool() return event }
Foundation additions
View geometry:
New data types for specifying view geometry:
These use the terms "leading" & "trailing" on the horizontal axis instead of e.g. "minX" or "maxX", so they work better with right-to-left languages
– allows you to format dates as e.g. "1 month ago" or "last week"
– formats lists of things, adding commas properly (uses nested formatters from .itemFormatter
to format specific items)
Changes in extensions
Non-UI file provider action extension
Network Extensions, DriverKit and Endpoint Security replace old kernel extensions